Networking 102: Focus on IPv4

March 21, 2024

During the SBE Chapter 30 March 2024 meeting I presented our second network learning session, Networking 102. After a brief review of our Networking 101 session, the OSI Model and related topics, this session focused on IPv4 addressing. A mini-preview of the presentation slides is available below which allows you to open into a full view in another window.

For this learning session I also wrote an IP subnet calculator app (using the open-source Godot Engine). The app also includes a game that drills the player to help learn IPv4 addressing (the game is somewhat functional but still in development as of this writing). The name of the app and game is Man-IP-ulator and the Mad Netter, available at I haven't set it to general release as of this writing, so to access it, for now you will need to enter a password of manIPulate24. Please take a look, oh, and let me know if you find any bugs in the subnet calculator (as noted, the game is still under development, but the subnet calculator should be pretty solid).

That's all for this entry. Until the next blog entry, happy broadcasting, and happy networking!

Walter Streeter
SBE Chapter 30, Vice-Chairman

Networking 102 Slides

Man-IP-ulator/Mad Netter Screenshot

Screenshot of Man-IP-ulator/Mad Netter app/game

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